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Digitize your Quotes Management

Serve your B2B customers as they are used to in the offline world. Support the back-and-forth quoting process online and reduce manual work.


Speed up your Sales Cycles

Speed up the sales cycles thanks to a fully digitalized quotes management process that reduces the back-and-forth communication time. Get the orders placed automatically once the quote is approved on both sides.

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Automate the Manual Work

Automate the quotes management process and reduce manual work. Save time for your sales reps and for the customer. Impress your customers by providing them with a B2C-like purchase experience.


Consistent Quoting

Ensure your customers get the correct prices and do not end up with a couple of different quotes for the same order. Improve the data consistency and keep a record of all quotes for your reference and audit purposes.

Empower your Customers 

Allow your customers to self-serve and request a quote digitally — they can just add the items to their basket and ask for a quote with a 1-button click. Enable your customers to always access their quote status, edit their quote request or accept the quote received.

No more phone calls, e-mails, and pdfs sent back and forth. Bring full transparency to your customers, save their time, and improve your customer experience.


Manage the Quotes Easily

Save time your sales reps spend on quotes management. Improve data quality by walking away from error-prone pdf management* to a fully digitalized quotes management system.

View all requests for quotes, their statuses (like open, accepted, blocked, declined and expired) and manage them easily using Emporix Management Dashboard. Edit the quotes, approve or decline them within seconds.  You can select the quote validity and set-up net and brut prices. Your customers' orders will be automatically placed if you approve a quote. An automatic e-mail notification will be sent to them if you decline, edit or accept a quote.

*You can always generate a PDF summary of a quote if needed for sharing purposes.  

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Manage your Existing Quotes 

Do not worry if you already have a system for managing quotes in place. You can easily import your existing quotes from your CRM/ERP system to Emporix by using our Emporix API.